Pass DP-900 certification from Azure
These are a series of free practice questions and tests to help you pass DP-900 – Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals. They are written completely by me based on my review of the publicly available course materials. Unlike some sites, these are not exam dumps, so are a perfectly honest and legitimate way to study towards your Azure DP-900 certification.
These practice questions should be seen as a supplement to Microsoft Learn and not a replacement. My number one tip for passing Azure DP-900 is to complete the free learning paths on Microsoft Learn for the DP-900 course.
This series is a work in progress so please keep coming back for more questions and quizzes. I didn’t want to wait until everything was published before sharing this help with you. I hope that you enjoy the practice questions and good luck with your mission to pass DP-900.
I’d also appreciate any feedback if any of the answers appear to be incorrect or if the questions are too easy or too hard.
More questions, quizzes and links are added almost daily. Bookmark this page and come back for new practice questions to help you pass DP-900.
DP-900 practice question links ⬇
Azure Data Fundamentals Learning Paths
- Explore core data concepts
- Explore relational data in Azure
- Explore non-relational data in Azure
- Explore modern data warehouse analytics in Azure
very helpful and clear questions! do you plan to expand the other sections as well? hoping to take the exam soon!
Yes I do, I’m sorry I never got to them sooner but work got in the way. Hopefully won’t be too long.
John, thanks for this it’s really helpful. Will check back to see if the other sections get completed